世界でもっとも貧しい大統領 ホセ・ムヒカの言葉 Jose Mujica: The world’s ‘poorest’ president

Before, I watched an introduction documentary program of Mr Jose Mujica on television. After, I heard that several speeches with internet and I was impressed with that.

信念と優しさ、考え方にとても感銘していました。そして先日、本屋さんでこの本を見つけて読みました。I was quite impressed with his faith, gentleness and way of thinking. I found and read this book at a bookstore the other day.

自然の中でゆったりした大事な時間を過ごすことが人間にとって幸せに生きる条件のように思えます。I think it’s the condition to live happily for man to spend comfortable important time in the nature.


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