月別アーカイブ: 2024年7月

犬と会話が出来たなら… If I could talk to dogs…

Recently, a client asked me to be a pet sitter for their family as they were going on a long trip to the US. This customer has been a loyal customer for over 20 years.

This dog is used to me. I have a good relationship with these dogs. These dogs help keep me healthy. However, it’s a bit stressful because these dogs never leave my side.

If dogs could talk I’d love to know what they think of me!


60代にしておきたい17のこと 17 things to do in your 60s

There are people who remain healthy and youthful even when they get older. Now I’m into windsurfing. I sometimes forget how old I am.

I really enjoy books because they allow me to learn about the ways of thinking of various people. I think if I change the angle from which I look at things, I see different things.
