月別アーカイブ: 2023年8月

プーチンの破滅戦争 Putin’s Ruinous War

I believe that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is absolutely unforgivable. The killing of children, women and civilians in airstrikes targeting hospitals and schools is unacceptable. Russia has killed and kidnapped children from many other countries. This is absolutely unacceptable.

私はこの本からニュースなどで知ることが出来ない出来事を多く知ることが出来ました。そして、私はこれらの残虐な出来事をいろいろなメディアを通して世界中の人々に知らせることも必要だと思いました。Through this book, I was able to learn many things that I could not find out about through the news. I also thought it necessary to let people all over the world know about these atrocious events through various media.
