日別アーカイブ: 2022年9月20日

免疫力が上がるアルカリ性体質になる食べ方 How to eat to become the alkaline constitution that immunity improves

I read a book”How to eat to become the alkaline constitution that immunity improves” of Kazuo Komine. He strongly says that it becomes healthy if a human body becomes alkaline. Let’s be careful now in the society as the human body is easy to become acid.

I thought that he talked about health from bit different angles. I intend to challenge it with some what is written in this book.


私の首筋に芋虫 My scruff had a green caterpillar.

As for me, the pruning and the weeding work of the garden tree are requested for regularly by a customer. Care of the garden such as the jungle. I touch the trees and plants and love that I climb up the big tree and cut a tree. The customer thanks to me. And My heart is healed in nature.

In the car of the return, I felt something which moved, and it was a green caterpillar when I took it in a hand. I came back home and returned the insect in nature.

