月別アーカイブ: 2020年11月

2週続けて御前崎でウインドサーフィン Windsurfing successively in Omaezaki for two weeks

I went to windsurf again in Omaezaki. I enjoyed it by sale 3.7 at the start, but some wind down and changed it to sale 4.0 afterwards. It was colder than last week on that day. But seawater temperature, outside temperature were still warm both.

When we returned, we were able to see the beautiful sunset.


御前崎でウインドサーフィン Windsurfing in Omaezaki

I enjoyed windsurfing at Omaezaki yesterday. Since doing this season, it was warm. I had a fun windsurfing by sale 4.0 and board 85l.

I had the person who went together instruct for me windsurfing on that day. I am glad that I make progress in by some oneself. And when I see the windsurfing of the good person, oneself learns it. I’m going to imitate them in next time. I want to still enjoy windsurfing safely.


風をつかまえた少年 The boy who harnessed the wind

When this kind of movie is seen, I feel that an ordinary life is always a very happy thing. And I thought of importance of getting education and importance of the thing which isn’t given up once more.

超一流の雑談力 The supreme chat power

I read a book of an author of Mr. Tadashi Yasuda “the supreme chat power”. I felt that a chat was the tool which can build trust with a customer when I was a salesman. When I understood, and came to like a customer, I thought a customer came to like me.