
100年時代の人生戦略 The 100-years life

Before about 20 years, I was surprised to see a 70-year-old man surfing by a surfing magazine. But it isn’t surprise that about 70 years old surf in now.

Various life-styles in the life published in this book form lengthily are written. I’m happy because time when a favorite thing will be done is increased.

九十歳。何がめでたい。 I’m 90 years old who don’t become happy.

I had an interest by the title “I’m 90 years old who don’t become happy” of this book. And I bought this book and read. This book was fascinating and the contents at which I can laugh a little.

I admired to have the eyes by which Ms. Aiko Sato of an author judges a matter correctly. And she gets at the root from front and says the idea clearly.

Her good of the generosity and gentleness were transmitted to me. After I have finished reading thsi book. I have begun to think of some old easy-going and pathos. And I was wrapped in an ease of mind.

手を洗いすぎてはいけない Don’t wash a hand too much

藤田紘一郎さんの新しい著書「手を洗いすぎてはいけない 超清潔志向が人類を滅ぼす」が発売されていたので購入して読みました。藤田紘一郎さんの書籍は「笑うカイチュウ 寄生虫博士奮闘記」(1994年9月20日発行)からいろいろと愛読致しました。
Kouichirou Fujita’s new book “Don’t wash a hand too much. Oriented super-cleanness destroyed the mankind.” was sold, so I was bought and read. I loved to read his book with several copies of “the roundworm which laughs Parasite doctoral struggle” (It was issued on September 20, 1994.).

I was quite moved by a way of thinking about the health derived from Kouichirou Fujita’s long research result. I thought the life which lived was most happy and healthily while old people were natural.

The medicated soap with the strong detergency, anti-fungus agent and disinfectant were used by cleanness-oriented overdoing. And bug spray was used too much for the bacteria and the cockroach, the insect kinds which have no necessity to kill. Agricultural chemicals are used for the agriculture now in quantities, and ground is polluted.

Those hurt human health and the environment of the earth and the other animals and plants which are destroyed also live in the earth suffer the damage.

I think the man who lives in the earth and animals and plants can live happily and healthily only in the nature.

リンゴの花が咲いたあと After a flower of apple bloomed.

I knew Mr. Akinori Kimura who is to cultivating apple without agricultural chemicals and fertilizer. I bought the book of “After a flower of apple bloomed” and read an interest more than before.

The contents which completely reaped no harvest and walked the suffering way for nearly 10 years were written on the book until perfect organic made fertilizer-less apple cultivation succeed. I was surprised what he has really wonderful faith.

I thought the earth and man were polluted, if we kept using agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizer, written on a book.

失敗の本質 Failed kind

The book on which the thing to the old Japanese military’s losing a battle is written. Many people found right. But they couldn’t give their opinion.

If saying a right thing, they would be killed and have a cruel experience. I keep hoping saying I look back to failed history of the old Japanese military, and doesn’t fail similarly again.

薬に頼らず血圧を下げる方法 The way not to depend on medicine and to lower the blood pressure

I taking care of myself, so I often read a book about health. I think all happy bases are healthy. I think that when I’m not healthy, I can’t be happy to a person around.

When I’m convinced the thing written in the book, I’ll try that. And when it’s a good result, it’s put in my life.

I take almost no medicine. I take nourishment with sleep, and wait myself to become in good health.

ANAの口ぐせ Thing ANA says all the time.

I like ANA(All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.). A staff of ANA also even is very kind to us and welcomes with a nice smiling face in the airplane at the airport.

I had to reserve a seat of an airplane by a family vacation the other day support it to the female with the student apprentice’s name tag. After that if we were walking to the boarding gate to board an airplane, the lady a short while ago was running to us.

When I heard talk for its female, it was said that they were looking for us because I made a mistake in the correspondence a short while ago. Its female was the really sorry state. We were very grateful to see that.

After that this book was found at a bookstore. Everyone of ANA were always answering with a smiling face with a pleasant smile or interest lasted, and why was this book bought and read? And there were many things which are also very useful for my work.

人は一瞬で変われる Everybody can change with a moment

This book is the book which gathered a small story. I read several books of author Minoru Kamada, before. I like Mr. Minoru Kamata’s way of thinking and life-style very much.

I think a life changes with an encounter with one person and one word for man. Even if I look back to my life, I think really so.

When I want to change myself in my case, something is tried for now and it’s corrected from later.

世界でもっとも貧しい大統領 ホセ・ムヒカの言葉 Jose Mujica: The world’s ‘poorest’ president

Before, I watched an introduction documentary program of Mr Jose Mujica on television. After, I heard that several speeches with internet and I was impressed with that.

信念と優しさ、考え方にとても感銘していました。そして先日、本屋さんでこの本を見つけて読みました。I was quite impressed with his faith, gentleness and way of thinking. I found and read this book at a bookstore the other day.

自然の中でゆったりした大事な時間を過ごすことが人間にとって幸せに生きる条件のように思えます。I think it’s the condition to live happily for man to spend comfortable important time in the nature.

老いるほど血管が強くなる健康法 How to health a blood vessel becomes so strong in which that getting old.



There is a lot of sickness which happens with trouble of a blood vessel. I read various related books. So this time, I bought and read the book published newly “How to health a blood vessel becomes so strong in which that getting old. (author: Kazutomo Minami).

I could have more much knowledge by this book. I’d like to enjoy my life of do a job and go surfing and go windsurfing and other thing and health!