I read a book “90 years old. What is happy?” of Aiko Sato. It is the second book that I read this book. It was the same and was interesting, and I have laughed when I read last time. And I thought that she saw things precisely.
なんで家族を続けるの? Why do you continue a family?
This book is a talk of Yayako Uchida of a daughter of Kirin Kiki and Yuya Uchida and Nobuko Nakano of the brain specialist. I read several books of Nobuko Nakano was so far, but read the book of Yayako Uchida for the first time.
Various lives, I thought that there was the style of various families.
インフレ不可避の世界 The world of the inflation inevitability
I read this “world of the inflation inevitability” of Atsuhito Sawakami. I read the article of Sawakami with the magazines several times, but read the book for the first time.
Japan has low interest rate for a long time, and lower wage than the developed countries. And Japan has a debt much. Prices rise and are very anxious about me recently when it may come to be written on this book.
がんで往くのも、まあいいか It is good to die of a cancer
I read a book “Well, it is good to die of a cancer” of Yoshiaki Sugiura. A person working as a doctor suffers from a cancer and talks about his life. A person, the life when live long even if it is for a person, a cancer spending the short life for a cancer each.
Nobody knows when the human being dies. Therefore I am going to do own thing that I want to do while I live.
ペルソナ 脳に潜む闇 Persona Darkness to hide behind in brain
I read a book of Nobuko Nakano again. I read a book of several Nobuko Nakano so far. And I thought that the brain was really mysterious.
This book said until now from childhood of her own. It was a very interesting book.
生涯投資家 Life investors
I read book “life investors” of Yoshiaki Murakami. He is the person who became the topic in various ways before. I knew that he doing the activity that he tells children the investment with a magazine, and I was interested in him and read the book.
He says that the circulation of the fund is important for Japan in the future. I agree with it, too.
まなの本棚 Miss Mana’s bookshelf
I read a book ‘Miss Mana’s bookshelf’ of Mana Ashida. I like books, too. However, she likes books surprisingly. She introduces various books in this book.
The book tells me a way of thinking or the various people’s way of life. And the book will show me the world that I didn’t know so far.
空気を読む脳 The brain which senses circumstances
I read a book”the brain which senses circumstances” of Nobuko Nakano. It is the second book that I read this book. I hate to care about the situation of the circumference. Because I can’t make a right decision.
The mechanism of the human brain explains this book. It is really interested. The human brain is really mysterious.
ヒトは「いじめ」をやめられない As for the human being, “bullying” is not stopped
脳科学者の中野信子さんの著書「ヒトは「いじめ」をやめられない 」を読みました。イジメによる悲しいニュースが多く聞かれます。
I read a book of Nobuko Nakano of the scholar of brain science “As for the human being, “bullying” is not stopped”. I always see a lot of sad news by the bullying.
Nobuko Nakano of the scholar of brain science said that the bullying the program that was incorporated in brain because a human being lives. And she talks some one know the mechanism and about the method to stop bullying.
I hope that miserable news by the bullying disappears.
疲れない脳をつくる生活習慣 Lifestyle to make the brain which is not tired
I hear the word “mindfulness’s” well recently. I really wonder at the brain of the animal. The importance of the breathing, posture, sleep, meal are written in this book.