
自由への手紙 A letter to freedom

I read a book by author Audrey Tan. I have known Audrey Tan for a long time. I had the impression that he was smart. I was impressed with his many free ideas for becoming freedom. Also, I thought he was a very human being.

自由への手紙 A letter to freedom

捨てられる日本 Abandoned Japan

I used to think that Japan could boast to the world of its technological and economic power. However, in recent years, I feel that Japan’s power is declining. At that time, I became interested in Jim Rogers’s book “Abandoned Japan” and read it. I’ve read a few of his books and have seen things from many different angles.

I hope that Japan will become a country that the children of the future can be proud of.

捨てられる日本 世界3大投資家が見通す戦慄の未来

「買い方」を変えたら、人生が変わった! Changing “how to buy”, change my life!

I have no desire to buy most things. But Windsurfing items are different. Because I love windsurfing. I saw Satoko Higuchi’s book, bought it and read it. I thought that there are people with various thoughts.


超インフレ時代の「お金の守り方」 “How to protect money” in the era of hyperinflation

藤巻健史さんの書籍を読みました。「超インフレ時代の「お金の守り方」 円安ドル高はここまで進む」。私は急激な円安を心配しています。以前は世界に誇れることが多かった日本がだんだんと衰弱していくように感じています。私は日本がもっと本質を捉えて成長して欲しいです。
I read a book by Takeshi Fujimaki.”How to protect money” in the era of hyperinflation Will the Yen Depreciation Against the Dollar Go This Far? I’m worried about the rapid depreciation of the yen. I feel that Japan, which used to boast to the world, is gradually weakening. I want Japan to capture the essence and grow.

超インフレ時代の「お金の守り方」 円安ドル高はここまで進む

60歳からはやりたい放題 Let’s set a favorite thing from 60 years old

I read a book “Let’s set a favorite thing from 60 years old” of Hideki Wada. This is the second book. The person may really lose sight of an important thing for conventional custom and common sense.

Hideki Wada is talking about the human body and mental health for the present medical thing and total now. I think that he is precise, and I see things for sharp eyes.


スタンフォード式最高の睡眠 The Stanford Method for Ultimate Sound Sleep

When I always go to the bed, I sleep in several minutes. And I bought this book and read, because I want to have the best sleep.

It seems to be full not to know the sleep medicine yet. I want to try what is written in this book for better sleep.


人は話し方が9割 As for the person, speech is 90%

本屋さんの棚にお勧めしていた本で、著者:永松 茂久さんの「人は話し方が9割」を購入して読みました。相手に何かを伝える時に相手を思い遣り、相手の立場になって話すことの重要性を再確認しました。
I found a recommended book in a bookstore. And I bought a book of author Shigehisa Nagamatsu “As for the person, speech is 90%” and read. When I told other person something, I thought that it was important to think of consideration and the feeling of the other person.

I have good for me, thought that it was the wonderful life if could communicate.


免疫力が上がるアルカリ性体質になる食べ方 How to eat to become the alkaline constitution that immunity improves

I read a book”How to eat to become the alkaline constitution that immunity improves” of Kazuo Komine. He strongly says that it becomes healthy if a human body becomes alkaline. Let’s be careful now in the society as the human body is easy to become acid.

I thought that he talked about health from bit different angles. I intend to challenge it with some what is written in this book.


50歳を過ぎたら高田純次のように生きよう Let’s live like Junji Takada if over 50 years old

I read a book “Let’s live like Junji Takada if over 50 years old” of Junji Takada. I read his several books before.

Many people call him an irresponsible man. However, I think that he has much knowledge. He is loved by many people. And he has a technique to make a person laugh exquisitely. When a person laughs, I think that I find happiness and becomes healthy.


70歳が老化の分かれ道 70 years old is a forked road of the aging

I watched a program of Hideki Wada on TV. And I was interested and bought that book.

It is often wrong to have been said that it is right so far about health. And it is necessary to think by oneself, and to select which is right.
