
人生は70代で決まる Your life is decided in your 70s

I read a book by comedian Kimimaro Ayanokoji. Kimimaro Ayanokoji’s stand-up comedy makes me laugh and I have a great time.

He debuted in 1979 and finally broke through and became popular in 2002. I am impressed by the way he manages his own health and never gives up on his goals until the very end. The words that made the biggest impression on me were, “Nothing is ever too late in life,” and “Every day is full of discoveries.”

人生は70代で決まる (別ページで表示)

60代にしておきたい17のこと 17 things to do in your 60s

There are people who remain healthy and youthful even when they get older. Now I’m into windsurfing. I sometimes forget how old I am.

I really enjoy books because they allow me to learn about the ways of thinking of various people. I think if I change the angle from which I look at things, I see different things.


金を使うならカラダに使え If you’re going to spend money, spend it on your body

I read books about health and try out various things. I learned about the latest medical technology through this book.

However, I would like to stay healthy in nature as much as possible.


わが投資術 My Investment Strategy

I think this is a book by the author, Tatsuro Kiyohara. It’s not a book about how to invest, but rather about what Tatsuro Kiyohara has lived through.

I hope that people can live a happy life through investing. I thought it was a very interesting book.


世界インフレ日本はこうなる What will happen to Japan due to global inflation?

I often watch Akira Ikegami’s commentary programs on TV. I also read several books by Akira Ikegami. His explanations are easy to understand and I can see things from many different angles.

I am surprised at how low prices and wages are in Japan compared to other countries around the world. I’m worried about Japan’s weakening yen.


フィット・フォー・ライフ Fit for life

I have read many books on health. I thought this book was quite unique. Author: Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond. And it’s translated by Mamiko Matsuda.

I try the information I get from various books. And I open my ears to hear what my own body is saying. I believe that humans can be the healthiest by living in nature.


金利を見れば投資はうまくいく If you look at the interest rate, your investments will go well

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of news about interest rates. At that time, I was at a bookstore and saw the author: Masataka Horii’s book “If you look at the interest rate, your investments will go well” and I was interested in reading it.

I learned that interest rates have a big impact on the economy.


65歳から始める和田式心の若がえり Wada-style mental rejuvenation starting at age 65

I read Hideki Wada’s book. I have read several books by Hideki Wada. I think it is important to question the medical treatment that is currently common sense and think for yourself.

I try out what I read in books. And I think it’s important to listen to my body. I make decisions based on what I like. I decide whether I like it or not.

Of course, I love windsurfing and have been doing it for a long time. In fact, when I’m windsurfing, I’m in a state of ecstasy!


非正規介護職員ヨボヨボ日記 Diary of a non-regular care worker

This was a very interesting book without any logic. And I realized that the job of caring for the elderly is extremely difficult. I also felt the kindness and humanity of the author, Gou Mayama.

It felt like I was peeking behind the scenes at a nursing home.


プーチンの破滅戦争 Putin’s Ruinous War

I believe that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is absolutely unforgivable. The killing of children, women and civilians in airstrikes targeting hospitals and schools is unacceptable. Russia has killed and kidnapped children from many other countries. This is absolutely unacceptable.

私はこの本からニュースなどで知ることが出来ない出来事を多く知ることが出来ました。そして、私はこれらの残虐な出来事をいろいろなメディアを通して世界中の人々に知らせることも必要だと思いました。Through this book, I was able to learn many things that I could not find out about through the news. I also thought it necessary to let people all over the world know about these atrocious events through various media.
