masaru のすべての投稿

ヒトは「いじめ」をやめられない As for the human being, “bullying” is not stopped

脳科学者の中野信子さんの著書「ヒトは「いじめ」をやめられない 」を読みました。イジメによる悲しいニュースが多く聞かれます。
I read a book of Nobuko Nakano of the scholar of brain science “As for the human being, “bullying” is not stopped”. I always see a lot of sad news by the bullying.

Nobuko Nakano of the scholar of brain science said that the bullying the program that was incorporated in brain because a human being lives. And she talks some one know the mechanism and about the method to stop bullying.

I hope that miserable news by the bullying disappears.

疲れない脳をつくる生活習慣 Lifestyle to make the brain which is not tired

I hear the word “mindfulness’s” well recently. I really wonder at the brain of the animal. The importance of the breathing, posture, sleep, meal are written in this book.

73歳のウィンドサーファー 73-year-old windsurfer

I enjoyed windsurfing yesterday. It was an offshore just sale of sale 7.8. I got out of the sea on the way and took a break a little in a beach. Then a windsurfer old got out of the sea and talked to me.

The person is with a 73 years old place when I have various talks. He go to windsurfing after finishing work at the Zaimokuza shore. He seemed to go windsurfing more than 30 years. And his run was also wonderful by windsurfing.

I thought that oneself was a still inexperienced child.

Thank you for taking a picture every time, Miss Fujiko.


サクラが開花し始めてとても綺麗です A cherry tree begins to flower and is very beautiful.

The big cherry tree which is bloomed under my workroom. A bush warbler didn’t singing for a while. But in this morning, a bush warbler singing. It is a climax in spring very warmly.


アンダーセールからオーバーセールのウィンドサーフィン Windsurfing of the sale for under to over.

I enjoyed windsurfing yesterday. The beginning, for a sale: 5.6 and a board: 100 L. It was the under sale.

However, it gradually became the just sale. And It became the oversale in the latter. I was going to change the sale 5.0, but stopped it. There was not already much time. And I enjoyed windsurfing again.

Thank you for taking a picture, Miss Fujiko.

鎌倉材木座海岸 in 24th March 2021

部屋のスペースにぴったり合わせた棚製作 The shelf which It matched with the space of the room.

I made the shelf which It matched with the space of the room other day. I made it with scrap woods and the wood which I bought.

I wanted to actually make it only with scrap woods. However, there were not all the scrap woods of good dimensions.

The shelf dosen’t have useless space and can put much thing.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

昨日、今日とウィンドサーフィンを楽しみました I enjoyed windsurfing today yesterday

For two days, I went windsurfing by southwestern wind while it was relatively warm. I enjoyed it in sale 3.7 today, sale 4.5 yesterday. I thought the wind and the power of the wave to be really great.

Thank you for taking a photograph, Miss Fujiko.


波乗りとウィンドサーフィンでくたくた I was tired by surfing and windsurfing

I went surfing and after windsurfing. I was tired by surfing and windsurfing.
I didn’t go surfing for about three years and, I wasn’t able to paddle as before. As wind strongly blew several hours later, I wint windsurfing. I enjoyed windsurfing by sale 6.6, board 114 liters in a slightly oversale.

My body was a muscular pain but it was wonderful on that day.


生活という速度 Speed called the life

It is an author, a book of Hidehiko Sekizawa. It is the book which an interesting thing is written on in various ways. I can’t see the scenery that is running by bicycle when usually running by car. And I can’t see the scenery that is walking when running by bicycle.

I thought that things were the speed that moved and angles to see, and I was different in a viewpoint and a way of thinking.

山道の掃除 Cleaning the mountain path

I cleaned a mountain path this year too. I request this work in the beginning of the year every year from my customer. It has snowed in the past. But I worked this year on a warm day.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)