masaru のすべての投稿

桜満開 そろそろウグイスの出番 Full bloom cherry blossoms, It’s almost time for the warbler to sing

The big cherry blossoms under my work room are in full bloom and are very beautiful. I enjoy the warm weather, and looking at the cherry blossoms makes me feel at peace. I’m looking forward to hearing the warblers’ calls soon.

The strong wind the other day caused some of the cherry blossoms to scatter, so I guess the best time to see them will be this week. I also enjoy windsurfing and have fun every day!


世界インフレ日本はこうなる What will happen to Japan due to global inflation?

I often watch Akira Ikegami’s commentary programs on TV. I also read several books by Akira Ikegami. His explanations are easy to understand and I can see things from many different angles.

I am surprised at how low prices and wages are in Japan compared to other countries around the world. I’m worried about Japan’s weakening yen.


強烈なオフショアブローの中でのウインドサーフィン Windsurfing in strong offshore blows

The other day I enjoyed windsurfing in strong offshore blows. The strongest winds were enough to lift the board. There were also some swells.

I enjoyed the thrill of windsurfing for the first time in a while. Fujiko-san, thank you for taking my video.

新年初のウェイブコンデションの中のウインドサーフィン Windsurfing in the first wave conditions of the new year

I enjoyed windsurfing yesterday in very warm and wave conditions. The sail was 5.0 and the board was 103 liters, just a sail.

By the way, the other day I saw a huge cargo sailing ship with sails on TV. I watched the sails rise and fall depending on the strength of the wind.

As someone who windsurfs, I realize how powerful the wind is. When I see that cargo sailing ship, I get excited about the energy of the future. I think it is a better energy than nuclear power, which is dangerous and cannot be controlled by humans.


新しいスポンサーチャイルドとの文通開始 Begin correspondence with new sponsored child

I started corresponding with my new sponsor child in the spring of this year. The child is a 13-year-old boy living in Ethiopia. According to a report from Plan International Japan, Ethiopia still faces many problems such as poverty, water, and sanitation. It has a particularly bad effect on children.

I hope that children will be able to freely imagine their own lives in a peaceful world. I’m also really looking forward to being able to talk to him about various things through letters!



フィット・フォー・ライフ Fit for life

I have read many books on health. I thought this book was quite unique. Author: Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond. And it’s translated by Mamiko Matsuda.

I try the information I get from various books. And I open my ears to hear what my own body is saying. I believe that humans can be the healthiest by living in nature.


金利を見れば投資はうまくいく If you look at the interest rate, your investments will go well

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of news about interest rates. At that time, I was at a bookstore and saw the author: Masataka Horii’s book “If you look at the interest rate, your investments will go well” and I was interested in reading it.

I learned that interest rates have a big impact on the economy.


65歳から始める和田式心の若がえり Wada-style mental rejuvenation starting at age 65

I read Hideki Wada’s book. I have read several books by Hideki Wada. I think it is important to question the medical treatment that is currently common sense and think for yourself.

I try out what I read in books. And I think it’s important to listen to my body. I make decisions based on what I like. I decide whether I like it or not.

Of course, I love windsurfing and have been doing it for a long time. In fact, when I’m windsurfing, I’m in a state of ecstasy!


久しぶりのセール3.4使用 Using Sale 3.4 after a long time

I enjoyed windsurfing today. It was a very warm day even though it was late November. Today I had fun with a sail 3.4 and 72 liter board for the first time in a while. Thank you Fujiko-san for taking the video and photos.

By the way, there are fewer beaches on the Zaimokuza coast. I think the sand on the beach is being scraped away little by little. There are many places like this on other coasts as well. Compared to when I started surfing about 45 years ago, a considerable amount of coastline has disappeared.
