masaru のすべての投稿

「まーちゃんのちょっと素敵なWeb Shop」がリニューアルオープン! A redesigned web shop of Machan with goods.

長い間お休みしていましたが、お店をここで再開致します。更に使い易くなりウインドショッピングをお楽しみ頂けると思います。Pay palやクレジットカードも使えるようになりました。また、スタートしたばかりなので、システムの不具合やサーバーエラーなどがございましたら、大変お手数ですがご連絡を頂けると幸いです。
I was absent from a store for a long time, but it’ll resume. This web shop which became easy to use, so a wind shopping can be enjoyed. And Pay pal and a credit card could also be used now. It has just started, so if there are a defect of a system and a server error, please tell me.

Goods will be placed on a store a little now. It becomes better, so please expect it. Thank you.

まーちゃんのちょっと素敵なWeb Shop」(別ページで表示)


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

極寒の中でのウインドサーフィン Windsurfing at the frigid inside

I went windsurfing today. It was snowing in the morning. When I having arrived at a sea, it was a sprinkle of a sleet mixture.

It was just wind and sometime over sail for 7.1 sail. It was very cold but it was very fun time!

極寒の中でのウインドサーフィン Windsurfing at the frigid inside

常時SSLで安全で安心、信頼のホームページ Website of Secure Socket Layer

SSL通信(Secure Socket Layer)は、送信するデータを第三者に盗聴されてもデータの内容をわからないようにするために、データを暗号化してから通信(https)しています。
This website data is coded for the communication.(https)

We appreciate your continued support.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

庭のお手入れ Yard maintenance

The tree in customer’s garden developed to a roof and wire the other day, and a customer commissioned me to prune.

A grandmother lived there by herself before. But After she had died, a garden started to be a jungle. First I couldn’t go to the inside in a garden.

I was asked the grandmother’s daughter who lives at the other. An old person of living alone became very much for our customer recently.

庭の手入れ Yard maintenance

便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

リンゴの花が咲いたあと After a flower of apple bloomed.

I knew Mr. Akinori Kimura who is to cultivating apple without agricultural chemicals and fertilizer. I bought the book of “After a flower of apple bloomed” and read an interest more than before.

The contents which completely reaped no harvest and walked the suffering way for nearly 10 years were written on the book until perfect organic made fertilizer-less apple cultivation succeed. I was surprised what he has really wonderful faith.

I thought the earth and man were polluted, if we kept using agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizer, written on a book.

犬のペットシッター Pet sitter of a dog

I’m looking after the customer’s pet dog which is under care for nearly 19 years during the New Year holiday. But the dog was a senile one, and an eye wasn’t seen any more at all.

The dog has an appetite and when I don’t also make the hollow a walk, he is crashed, but he walk vigorously. He’s still fine. But he doesn’t run so that it may fly like young time.

It’s same as the time when he’s young that he doesn’t get away with me.

犬のペットシッター Pet sitter of a dog

便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

夏の庭 The Friends

This movie starts from the place where the odd fellow’s aged people who live in the neighborhood children seem to die soon where (Mr Kihachi:Mikuni Rentarou) are observed.

But an exchange of aged people and children starts gradually, and they become familiar. I was seeing the exchange with warm heart of children and aged people, and a heart calmed down very much.

失敗の本質 Failed kind

The book on which the thing to the old Japanese military’s losing a battle is written. Many people found right. But they couldn’t give their opinion.

If saying a right thing, they would be killed and have a cruel experience. I keep hoping saying I look back to failed history of the old Japanese military, and doesn’t fail similarly again.

ウニの刺 sea urchin spine

When going windsurfing yesterday, when putting on a foot in the bottom of the sea, I felt the pain a little. I thought I was injured in the foot a little by a submarine rock. But I didn’t see that.

Even if it was this morning, it was a little painful, so I saw my sole of foot. Then 3 bitings of sea urchin stuck in my foot. First I tried to take it by tweezers, but it didn’t come easily, so I shocked by scissors and took it.

But I was very enjoy for windsurfing yesterday.



ワンちゃんのお世話 Care of a dog

I’m pet-sitting customer’s 2 dogs from several days before. I got a lot of assistance from this customer more than the before when “Shonan Helpers” has been started.

My customer asked for a long pet sitter for customer’s daughter to hold a wedding ceremony overseas this time. I was under care more than the before when customer’s daughter is born. I’m surprised at earliness time passes.

A human person lives more lengthily than a dog. When I think of the customer’s dog which died, I’m lonely like when my dog died. A dog is also running in the my room today.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)