masaru のすべての投稿

エアコンクリーニング三昧 Air conditioner cleaning for all day.

I cleaned 3 air conditioners of the company where it’s under care for 19 years the other day. I like this kind of work. When I worked silently earnestly I’m satisfied to see the air conditioner which became clean and a customer is satisfied.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

奇跡のリンゴ Apple of miracle

Before, I read 2 books of Mr. Akinori Kimura “apple of miracle”. I was impressed with those books. So I saw a movie on this book and I was impressed again.

I felt difficulty and importance of keeping earnest faith all the while. I don’t understand agriculture. But I think the global natural environment is very noble. And I thought it was an indispensable thing by all means because we could have healthily in minds and bodies for all animal and man.

工場内の配管や植木などに蜂の巣 There was a bee hive in laying of the pipes in the factory and a plant.

There also was requested what a bee hive extermination from regular customer’s company this year the other day. There were four bee hives in the factory . The bee hive in the power distribution spout in a height, I worked by lift car.

Though I’ll also say in the second half in November, is it influence of global warming as expected?


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

賢く生きるより辛抱強いバカになれ Be a patient silly person more than I live wisely.

The book with which Mr. Inamori Kazuo and Mr. Shinya Yamamoto talked. I read some books of Inamori Kazuo. But I read Shinya Yamamoto’s book for the first time. I knew that Mr. Shinya Yamamoto was doing work of a study to rescue a person by a magazine.

The word he said was very striking for me. “Does scientific progress make the person happy? Is the technology which stepped into the range of the god no problem logically?”

THEがよくわかる本 The book “THE” understands well

I didn’t tell the difference in “The” “a/an” used in English, so I read this book. I thought the difference in these expressions read this book, and was a very deep one. I thought English was a really correct language.

サーフィンをしていて亡くなられる He was surfing and died.

The customer’s son kind to me for a long time died of surfing last month. He has three small children with his wife.

Two daughters under him were the state which doesn’t understand that he passed away. When I thought of the pain of the heart of his father, his mother, his wife and his daughters, I became very sad.

I express my condolences sincerely.


蜂の巣駆除まだまだ依頼 A bee hive extermination is still requested.

I did extermination work by request of a bee hive extermination from a customer of a corporation today. This company is at the place where many trees are abundant in wanton naturalness in the wide site. I receive a request of a bee hive extermination from this company every year. And It was requested of the 2nd time in this year.

If I arrived at this company, There is a nest of a hornet of about 30 cm of diameter at about 4 meters above the ground of a big tree. I thought it was pitiful to exterminate though a bee brought up a nest big. But people are going frequently to associate, so I have no choice to exterminate.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

脳には妙な癖がある A brain is in the strange habit.

I read Mr. Yuji Iketani’s book “A brain is in the strange habit.” I think a human body is often astonishing. And there are also a lot of really strange things for a human brain at the inside.

People say there are health of a body and health of spirit, and that the man is really healthy. So the health of spirit is very important. For example when I force a smile even if it isn’t fun, it becomes fun. When I don’t begin also to have a mind to do, a mind to do comes out.

I think the brain is really strange.

健康チェック Healthy check

When I went shopping in a supermarket yesterday, there was a machine on which I can check healthily myself, so it was checked. I’m not taking medicine at all so far from young. I think it’s because I’m always taking care of myself.

◇血圧 The blood pressure
最高血圧(The mosthigh blood pressure):127
最低血圧(The most low blood pressure):80

◇血管偏差値 The blood vessel deviation value
年齢にふさわしい(The state suitable for the age)


◇心と身体のバランス Balance of heart and body
全体的に副交感神経が優位に働いており、リラックスした状態(The state that a parasympathetic nerve was working and relaxed predominantly overall)

健康チェック Healthy check

違った角度からのウインドサーフィン Windsurfing taken from the different angle

I borrowed the camera which can be installed in the point of a mast from a company of windsurfing and took a picture around autumn of last year. I borrowed and saw this image data the other day. And I thought I could take a picture quite interestingly at the seen angle.
