I mowed regular customer’s garden the other day. When I mow the grass, it’ll be the selfless state. I’m happy because I can meet various insects.

便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)
I mowed regular customer’s garden the other day. When I mow the grass, it’ll be the selfless state. I’m happy because I can meet various insects.
便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)
I stocked the lumber which took a scrap wood and the furniture which became unnecessary apart from before. It’s because a storeroom is made with a scrap wood.
I couldn’t write a plan of the storeroom by the shape that one would like to make using a scrap wood and the design. But I could make a functional storeroom.
I was satisfied for a reasonable and natural storeroom to be built.
便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)
A book of Mrs. Akie Suzuki playing an active part by a television and a radio. I liked a picture of her smiling face of a cover on a book and bought a book, and read. I could learn the numbers of the valuable know-how she acquired while doing reporter’s work. And her smiling face is very nice!
The African young are next to death in the civil war, and I run away and arrive at refugee camp. And the young go to the United States and look for work. I thought there was something which can be impressed by only the man who experienced whether he lived or died.
I thought it was very happy to be able to be living.
著者、鎌田紘一郎さんの「「腸」が喜ぶお酒の飲み方」を読みました。蒲田紘一郎さんの書籍は「笑うカイチュウ 寄生虫博士奮闘記」を初めから多くの本を読みました。蒲田紘一郎さんの本に書かれていることに私は多くの賛同があり、自分自身も実際に実行しています。
I read Mr. Kouichirou Kamata’s book “How to drink the liquor with a glad gut”. I read Mr. Kouichirou Kabata’s book “the roundworm which laughs Parasite doctoral struggle account” for the first time. And I read many his books. I approve to be written on Mr. Kouichirou Kabata’s book. And I’m always practicing that.
I think we can’t live healthily when we eats something natural in the nature and doesn’t coexist with many microorganisms.
The big cherry tree which is bloomed under my workroom. When a flower of a cherry tree is being seen between work, fatigue of work is healed. The strange bleat of the Japanese bush warbler is heard from several days before. It became warm and spring has come.
The husband in a house who received patronage long yesterday passed away. When being commissioned to put a bed together from his wife yesterday, that was heard from his wife. When I asked to work before, I heard that he had cancer from his wife. I talked with him then. But I didn’t think he felt so sick. I was surprised.
I pray for the souls of the deceased.
便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)
I enjoyed windsurfing by warm onshore and a little wavy today. It was just wind by a sale of 5.6 and a board of 100liter. Seawater was warm and beautiful today. And it was a nice day!
I went windsurfing and enjoyed yesterday. I enjoyed windsurfing with an offshore wind and little swell. It overlap the propulsion power of the boat by the wind and the welter. And I was a sense necessary for the different world.
Such ecstasy isn’t felt by daily life. It was a fun day for windsurfing.
When I was an office worker, my work was business work for about 20 years. I thought it was important to touch a customer sincerely. I thought such daily pile shortened the distance with the customer a little and got trust.
But when a laugh is between me and the customer, we become familiar with a customer suddenly. I read a book of this kind much so far. I read Mr. Masaaki Tonomura’s book “Wonderful work of a laugh” this time. I knew that it’s to sympathize with a partner to make a partner laugh and was moved.