2024年最後のウインドサーフィン The last windsurfing of 2024

Yesterday, I enjoyed New Year’s Eve windsurfing. With the onshore wind, I had a lot of fun with sails 5.6 and 5.0.

I had a thrilling time jumping on the waves with my windboard.

The last windsurfing of 2024

リサイクル品を使い尽くす Use up recycled items

Last month, in November, we received many requests for cleaning and tidying up. This will result in a lot of unnecessary items. I’m sad they get thrown away all the time.

The other day, I saw a TV program about a recycling company that was putting large furniture items that were difficult to sell in Japan into containers and exporting them to Cambodia for sale. What impressed me even more was that they gave away used pencils, erasers, plates, cups, etc. that they still couldn’t sell free of charge to institutions for orphaned children and the poor.

I thought that using recycled items until they could no longer be used would be a great contribution to both the people who want them and to preventing pollution of the global environment.

So I thought, “It would be good if municipalities could collect items that citizens (especially the elderly) no longer need, and export items that cannot be sold in Japan to overseas countries where they can be sold. Also, I thought it would be good to send used pencils and erasers to children in need.

I believe Japan is a country that can do that.

マグロ引き上げにチャレンジ! The challenge is to pull up a tuna!

先日、小田原市早川の「漁港の駅 TOTOCO小田原」にマグロの引き上げにチャレンジしてきました。吊り下げられたレプリカのマグロを引き上げるとマグロを貰える企画になっています。
The other day, I tried my hand at hauling up tuna at TOTOCO Odawara Fishing Port Station in Hayakawa, Odawara City. The plan is for anyone who can pull up the hanging replica tuna to win a tuna.

I used all the strength I had to pull the tuna up. I received four pieces of tuna as a prize.


人生は70代で決まる Your life is decided in your 70s

I read a book by comedian Kimimaro Ayanokoji. Kimimaro Ayanokoji’s stand-up comedy makes me laugh and I have a great time.

He debuted in 1979 and finally broke through and became popular in 2002. I am impressed by the way he manages his own health and never gives up on his goals until the very end. The words that made the biggest impression on me were, “Nothing is ever too late in life,” and “Every day is full of discoveries.”

人生は70代で決まる (別ページで表示)

犬と会話が出来たなら… If I could talk to dogs…

Recently, a client asked me to be a pet sitter for their family as they were going on a long trip to the US. This customer has been a loyal customer for over 20 years.

This dog is used to me. I have a good relationship with these dogs. These dogs help keep me healthy. However, it’s a bit stressful because these dogs never leave my side.

If dogs could talk I’d love to know what they think of me!


60代にしておきたい17のこと 17 things to do in your 60s

There are people who remain healthy and youthful even when they get older. Now I’m into windsurfing. I sometimes forget how old I am.

I really enjoy books because they allow me to learn about the ways of thinking of various people. I think if I change the angle from which I look at things, I see different things.


金を使うならカラダに使え If you’re going to spend money, spend it on your body

I read books about health and try out various things. I learned about the latest medical technology through this book.

However, I would like to stay healthy in nature as much as possible.


わが投資術 My Investment Strategy

I think this is a book by the author, Tatsuro Kiyohara. It’s not a book about how to invest, but rather about what Tatsuro Kiyohara has lived through.

I hope that people can live a happy life through investing. I thought it was a very interesting book.


河童のお皿の水が無くなっちゃう!ウインドしないと・・The water in the kappa’s plate is running out! If I don’t go to windsurfing.

The other day, I enjoyed windsurfing for the first time in a while. Slalom board 114 liters, sail 7.8, onshore, slightly under conditions.

The weather was nice and I enjoyed windsurfing in a pleasant environment that was neither cold nor hot. I was frustrated because I couldn’t windsurf for a while.

Sometimes windsurfers I meet at the beach take pictures of me. thank you.

I enjoyed windsurfing