Replacemen of visit a grave

Replacemen of visit a grave


We execute visit a grave by proxy. We do a visit to a grave instead of you who live in the distance or the condition of the body is not good or etc.

Business area:Kanagawa-ken

The charge of Replacemen of visit a grave

Kind of work of visit a grave
1):A gravestone is washed in cold water with a towel.
2):Weeding and cleaning of the circumference of a gravestone.
3):Flower arrangement is offered and an incense stick is offered.
4):A prayer is offered.
5):If work finishes, a photograph will be taken and it will send to you.
The charges and business area
Kanagawa-ken Hiratsuka-city, Oiso-twon, Ninomiya-twon, Chigasaki-city, Samukawa-twon, Isehara-city, Hadano-city.
It is this work and is from 10,000yen.
Kanagawa-ken Prefecture other than the above.
The above-mentioned work is from 15,000yen.

The above-mentioned work is one place or less than 3 square meters. Please consult about others.

★ Customer service Please call the customer service to us now.

Work scenery of cleaning of a grave and visit-to-a-grave vicarious execution.

Work scenery of cleaning of a grave and visit-to-a-grave vicarious execution.
I washed and weeding and cleaning and flower arrangement and prayed.

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